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Industry, business media highlight WireCo’s launch of Made in the USA crane rope production initiative

WireCo’s recent announcement of launching the brand-new production of Made in the USA high-performance crane ropes received international attention. Through an investment of about $30 million, customers can now purchase Casar and Oliveira brand products manufactured in America for the first time.

After officially making the announcement at the recent CONEXPO in Las Vegas, multiple traditional, business and industry publications covered the expanded use of WireCo’s production facility in Sedalia, Missouri. Articles were published in the Kansas City Business Journal, Sedalia Democrat, Cranes Today and HeavyQuip, among others.

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“Our challenge was that as we started growing the business in the United States, we were sucking up more and more of our European capacity to the point where we could not serve our European clients appropriately anymore,” WireCo CEO Keith White told the Kansas City Business Journal for the article titled, “WireCo’s largest ever investment results in U.S.-made crane ropes.” “So as we bring up production in the U.S., it will relieve constraints on capacity in Europe, allowing us to serve the rest of the world more effectively.”

For more information on the Made in the USA production initiative, click here.

About WireCo 

WireCo markets value-added products under several brands that are recognized throughout the world and used in a wide range of market applications. WireCo is headquartered in Prairie Village, Kansas, with manufacturing plants, distribution facilities and research and development centers worldwide.

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